Archive for September, 2010

Relax The Back Employee Picks

Employees of Relax The Back pick their favorite ergonomic products.

Employees of Relax The Back pick their favorite ergonomic products.

Part of what makes Relax The Back a different kind of company is that we actually use the products ourselves. We pride ourselves on our customer service because WE are customers, too. Below are the favorite products of a few Relax The Back employees.

Ernest Benion, Jr., Sales and Training Manager
Foam Roller
-I love the Foam Roller.  The added intensity is perfect for me in the office.  After sitting for long periods, I like using the foam roller on my back to help me feel rejuvenated and refreshed.  I also love its versatility, as I can gently or aggressively massage any area of my body.  I recommend using this $30 item at the office a few times per day.  You’ll be amazed how much better you feel, and how much better your mental clarity will be!

SANYO Foot Massager

SANYO Foot Massager

Betsy Rodriguez, Marketing Project Manager
Sanyo Foot Massager – As a participant in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, I often think of the Sanyo Foot Massager during my training walks. I’ve tried many foot massagers over the years that were too hard on my feet, but I LOVE the Sanyo Foot Massager.  I jokingly call it my boyfriend.

Robert McMillan, Chief Financial Officer
Human Touch 1650 Massage Chair
– I have a Human Touch 1650 massage chair which I try to use every day. I am an avid tennis player but I broke my ankle twice when I was young and it can cause me some mobility problems. If I can get at least ½ hour on the massage chair after playing I am good to go for my next match.

Lifeform Mid Back Executive Chair

Lifeform Mid Back Executive Chair

Matt Geer, Chief Creative Design Coordinator
Lifeform® Ultimate Mid Back Executive Office Chair – I sit in a Lifeform® Ultimate Mid Back Executive Office Chair at work and I must say, it’s done wonders for my back! Before coming to work here I had major back problems from sitting incorrectly in poorly-designed chairs all day. By switching to an ergonomic office chair all those back problems have cleared up. Not only that, but it’s the most comfortable office chair I’ve ever sat in.

Donnikah Y. Castillo, Customer Service Representative
Portable FIR Heat Back Wrap
The Portable Far Infrared Heat Back Wrap is one of my favorite products to use in the office. I get cold easily and this wrap is a great “warm up” for the day. The belt can be hidden under your clothing so no one can tell you’re wearing it! I love how it has a rechargeable battery so I can leave my desk as I please and I don’t have to worry about getting yanked by any cords. I just turn it on and I’m set for the next 2-3 hours.

Brendan Gill, E-Commerce Manager
Theracane – I love the Theracane, a lightweight, handheld massager. It’s hard to believe how many knots I had in my back before I started using it. I use the Theracane twice a day and it has made my neck and shoulders a lot less stiff. My range of motion is better, too. If you don’t have time for a massage, I recommend this $35 device. It provides a similar level of comfort, in as little as two minutes.

Contourside Travel Pillow

Contourside Travel Pillow

Mandy Stevens, Customer Service Supervisor
ContourSide Travel Pillow –
A few years ago I received the ContourSide Travel Pillow for a Christmas gift, and I don’t think I have slept without it since.  Before I started using the ContourSide Pillow I would wake up with all this tension in my neck from the lack of support I was getting from my traditional pillow.  Now I wake up well rested and tension free.  I have found that the support I get from this pillow is far above any other pillow I have ever slept on.  So much so, that I take my pillow everywhere I go.

Jeff Dewane, Real Estate Manager
Back-A-Traction Inversion Table—I love the feeling when I finish a session on my inversion table. You can exercise, stretch, or just relax in an inverted position. The ability to lock in position at -30, -15 and 0 degrees gives you the extra sense of control. Every time I use it I few refreshed and renewed. I recommend you use just prior to going to bed to maximize the benefits of inversion therapy.

Mastercare Inversion Table

Mastercare Inversion Table

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Bad Ergonomics – the iPad

Cricket iPad and Laptop Stand

Cricket iPad and Laptop Stand

Ah, the joys of iPad ownership. Quick, convenient access to the web, email, work files, e-books, and more – all while drinking a latte at your local coffee shop. Still, there’s one thing to keep in mind before you have the iPad surgically attached to your body – although it is extremely useful, the iPad isn’t necessarily ergonomically friendly.

The iPad makes it difficult to view the screen without straining your eyes. If you’re typing while it’s in your lap, your eyes have to look down at an unnatural angle. You ever wonder why you see so many photos of people using the iPad while sitting down or with their legs crossed?  It’s because, without any elevation, the device causes a 90-degree downward gaze, which causes neck and eye strain. In fact, if you hold it with your hands at any angle, eventually it will strain your arm and shoulders.

However, with a Cricket iPad and Laptop Stand, you can reduce the chance of repetitive stress injuries that comes with an iPad. The Cricket elevates the viewing screen and keyboard of your laptop or iPad to a customizable viewing angle

The Cricket makes it easy for you to view the screen, without straining your eyes or your muscles. The Cricket elevates up to 9 inches in height, so you can look comfortably at the computer screen. Remember, the correct viewing position should be at a slight downward angle of 15-20 degrees, with your screen directly in front of you.

A display screen that is too high or low – one in which you have to look up or down to view – can cause neck and shoulder strain over time. With the Cricket you can set it at an angle that won’t strain your eyes or muscles. The Cricket also improves air circulation, so your iPad can run cooler while you play the latest computer games or surf the web.

The iPad has taken the consumer-computing world by storm, but it doesn’t mean it’s ergonomically friendly. While new smaller computers and multi-media phones make our lives easier, they are increasing the possibility of awkward postures and increased eye strain. So, before you spend hours and hours with Apple’s latest technological wonder, make sure your workstation is set up for comfortable computing. Otherwise, you may find yourself with a stiff neck, tired eyes, or both.

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