Posts Tagged body pillows

How to Get More Sleep if You Have Sciatica


Sciatica can be painful, but with the right adjustments, you can sleep soundly.

Sciatica is painful enough in your waking hours. At bedtime, however, it can be excruciating. Sciatica occurs when the large nerve running down each leg is compressed in your lower spine. Herniated discs, among other maladies, often cause this painful condition. Below are some tips on how to get better rest if you are a sciatica sufferer.

Side sleeping. If you have pain in one leg, try sleeping on the opposite side. This takes the pressure off the nerve, allowing you some relief. You can also place a pillow between your legs. For those with a herniated disc, this helps relieve the pressure the disc puts on the nerve root, which will lessen the pain.

Full body pillow. If you still have pain or discomfort sleeping with a regular pillow between your legs, then try a full-body pillow. Full-body pillows support not only the head, neck, and shoulders, but the hips and torso as well. It also allows for proper spinal alignment and promotes circulation, which is crucial for healing from sciatica.

Avoid sleeping on your stomach. Sleeping on your stomach may seem like a good alternative to side sleeping. At least you’re not aggravating your sciatic nerves by putting pressure on your hips and legs, right? Wrong. Sleeping on your stomach can cause an unnatural curve in your back and neck, and increase the pressure on both. For sciatic sufferers, and everyone else, it’s recommended to avoid sleeping on your stomach, which puts undue pressure on the lower lumbar area and neck.

Pressure relieving mattress. Traditional coil mattresses are known for creating painful pressure points and uneven contours. An overly firm mattress can also cause more discomfort than it relieves, contrary to popular belief. If sciatica keeps you up at night, it’s recommended to sleep on a pressure-relieving mattress. Tempur-Pedic mattresses, in particular, provide excellent body contouring support for sciatica sufferers. Our own line of PureRelax and PureFit mattresses are also effective in treating this condition. Whichever mattress you choose, just make sure that it conforms to your unique contours, rather than the other way around.

Stretch the piriformis muscle before bedtime. The Piriformis is a flat muscle in the pelvis region, near the back of the hip joint. This pyramid-shaped muscle has the sciatic nerve running through it, so massaging it before bedtime can ease sciatica symptoms noticeably. Try a gentle five-minute massage before going to bed for deeper, more restful sleep.

Sciatica can be a pain, but it doesn’t have to keep you from getting a good night’s rest. Although painful, sciatica does respond well to treatment. In fact, roughly 4 out of 5 people with sciatica get better with treatment. Try some of these tips and see if your symptoms improve over time.

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